Lo ammetto quest'anno non mi sono sprecata tanto a compilare liste su
questa Challange, forse perchè ho collezionato troppe liste, forse
non mi ispiravano i vari prompt proposti. Ecco comunque dove sono arrivata e cosa ho letto, chissà se nelll'ultimo mese dell'anno riuscirò a leggere qualcosa oppure no.
Potrei sicuramente aggiungere qualcosa, piegare i prompt ai libri che ho letto, sicuramente fra i 78 libri che ho letto fin'ora qualcosa rientra, ma proprio non mi vene altro...
*Book Becoming a Movie in 2019: LA verità sul caso Herry Quebert (non è proprio un film...) |
*Book That Makes You Nostalgic: Un anno sull'altipiano |
Book Written by a Musician (Fiction or Nonfiction): |
*Book You Think Should be Turned Into a Movie: L'educazione |
Book With at Least One Million Ratings on Goodreads: |
Book With a Plant in the Title or on the Cover: |
Reread of a Favorite Book: |
*Book About a Hobby: Il tesoro greco (infondo per Schilimann L’archeologia non era che un hobby) |
Book You Meant to Read in 2018: L'airone |
*Book With "Pop," "Sugar," or "Challenge" in the Title: Sugar Daddy |
Book With an Item of Clothing or Accessory on the Cover: |
*Inspired by Mythology, Legend or Folklore: La saga di Gosta Berling |
Published Posthumously: |
Book You See Someone Reading on TV or in a Movie: |
Retelling of a Classic: |
*Book With a Question in the Title: Hai detto trenta? |
Set on a College or University Campus: |
About Someone With a Superpower: |
Book Told From Multiple Character POVs: |
Set in Space: |
By Two Female Authors: |
Title that Contains "Salty," "Sweet," "Bitter" or "Spicy" |
*Set in Scandinavia: Risposta ad una lettera di Helga |
*Takes Place in a Single Day: Chesil Beach |
Debut Novel: |
*Book Published in 2019: M il figlio del secolo |
Featuring an Extinct or Imaginary Culture: |
Recommended by a Celebrity You Admire: |
*Book with "Love" in the Title: For the love of English |
Book Featuring an Amateur Detective: La macchia umana |
Book About a Family: Cuore |
*Written by an Author from Asia, Africa, or South America: Il respiro della notte |
Zodiac Sign or Astrology Term in the Title: |
Book That Includes a Wedding: |
By an Author Whose First and Last Name Start with the Same Letter: |
A Ghost Story: |
*Two-Word Title: Ricordi Dormienti |
*Novel Based on A True Story: Il libro del mare |
Book Revolving Around a Puzzle or Game: |
Your Favorite Prompt from a Past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: |
Cli-Fi (climate fiction) Book: |
Choose Your Own Adventure Book: |
An #OwnVoices Book: |
Read a Book During the Season it is Set In: |
A Lit RPG Book: |
Book with No Chapters/Unusual Chapter Headings/Unconventionally Numbered Chapters: |
Two Books That Share the Same Title (1): |
Two Books That Share the Same Title (2): |
Book that has a Common Phrase or Idiom (e.g., Big Brother from 1984): |
Book set in an Abbey, Cloister, Monastery, Vicarage or Convent: |
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